Volume 4 Issue 1

January 2019

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Development of the Predict Observe Explain (POE)-based Thematic Teaching Materials

Amalia Puspha Rini Nunuk Suryani Siti Sutarmi Fadhilah
Pages: 1-7

The learning process cannot be separated from the use of teaching materials that play a role to achieve the competencies that must be achieved by the learners. The purpose of this research is to identify the developmental stages of Predict Observe Explain (POE)-based thematic teaching materials, quality, and effectiveness of teaching materials to improve the learners' learning outcomes. This is a research and development technique. The development of this product is done through the design model of ADDIE learning system, i.e. (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation, (5) and evaluation. The results show that the POE-based thematic teaching materials has excellent quality on aspects of graphics and material with the score 4,52 and score 4,75 respectively from the aspects of readability, linguistic, and presentation according to the learners as the users of the product. Furthermore, the effectiveness test results show that the average class score that does not use POE-based thematic materials is 75,72, whereas that using POE thematic materials is 82,08. Therefore, the average score in the experimental class is higher than the control one. The Sig. shows 0,010 <0,05, then H0 is rejected and H1 accepted. It is concluded that there is a significant value difference between the control and experimental class

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The Development of Thematic Integrative Based Learning Material for Fifth Grade Elementary School

Qoumi Ghonin Hamidah Siti Sutarmi Fadhilah Bambang Wasito Adi
Pages: 8-14

The purpose of this research is to produce thematic integrative based learning material theme “Lingkungan Sahabat Kita” for fifth grade of elementary school in Sragen. This research belongs to Research and Development (R&D), which consists of three stages, namely: (1) preliminary study; (2) development study; (3) product’s effectiveness test. The result of the research showed that the developed learning material was appropriate and effective to be used in the learning process. The appropriateness of the learning material was shown by the statement of “very good” by the language experts with the percentage of 87,5%, the statement of “good” by material experts with the percentage of 77,5%, and the statement of “very good” by media experts with the percentage of 89,35%. The effectiveness was proved by t-test which had t computation as 3.453 with the probability score 0.001. Probability score < 0.05, thus based on the mentioned criteria above, H0 was rejected. It means that there is prior score difference between experimental group and control group. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the experimental group has better score of theme “Lingkungan Sahabat Kita” than control group.

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The Development of an Ingenious Circuit Based on Chemo-Edutainment Learning

Sri Adelila Sari Yuni Sri Rezeki
Pages: 15-25

One way to solve the problem of chemistry learning is that teachers are expected to have methods, models of teaching and learning, as well as learning media that can choose according to the subject concepts to be conveyed. This research was aimed to develop a learning media called as ingenious circuit, and to describe the activity also users’ feedback on the developed media. The type of research was research and development (R & D). While the used design of development was ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) using qualitative methods. The research was conducted in senior high school named SMAN 1 Krueng Barona Jaya in class XI MIA 2 with a number of 20 students. The instruments used to collect the data were a sheet for media validation, questionnaires to measure the response, and the observation sheet to measure student activity during use the developed media. After the ingenious circuit was developed with the phase of ADDIE, the validation results showed that a viable ingenious circuit up to 100 percent on aspects of the format. While the visual aspect, the feasibility of achieving 90.62 percent. In addition, the circuit was also tested for eligibility based on the aspect of clarity in the presentation of the question and the results was found to reach 100 percent, as well as on aspects of functioning or quality of 87.5 percent. This study also found that the response of the students after they used the media, including the highly positive, as much as 90.00 percent. As well as with teachers, the responses were in very good condition, which reached 89.29 percent. In addition, the student activity test results when they use this developed circuit was considered very active, with an average percentage score of 80.57. Based on the overall results of the study, it can be concluded that a series of ingenious circuit could be developed with ADDIE model and feasible to implement in the learning process of colloids. In addition, the responses of students and teachers those who used the circuit were also very positive, especially the students more active in the learning process of colloids.

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An Analysis of Vocational High School Students’ Ecological Intelligence in Coping With The Impacts of Climate Change on The Socio-Economic Life of The Poor

Watsiqotul Mardliyah Sunardi Leo Agung
Pages: 26-32

Climate changes bring about a lot of impacts to people all at over the world. However, the impacts of climate change will be even worse if it occurs and is felt by the poor who are in nature vulnerable to various disasters such as flood, drought, landslide etc. This article aims at exploring students' ecological intelligence and critical awareness on the impacts of climate change towards socio-economic aspects of the poor communities. This study is under the research paradigm of descriptive-qualitative, which aims at systematically describing facts and characteristics of the studied subjects objectively. The data was collected in-depth interview method and organized using the inductive reasoning principles, which then generated an organized theory on the basis of such assumptions, which finally placed as a reliable hypothesis to be examined. The discussion over climate change is traceable from the ecological competence that argues climate change remains a controversial issue and is urgently addressed, for it affects the survival of human life on earth. In this study, it is argued that the climate change may not merely caused by natural factors, but humans’ life activities as well. Therefore, the ecological competence is highly needed to examine the occuring climate changes, especially within the socio-economic life of the poor.

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Perceptions of Moroccan English Teachers Towards Using Facebook As A Pedagogical and Instructional Tool

Soufiane Soulaymani Noureddine Alem
Pages: 33-43

Facebook use between students and teachers is almost ubiquitous and its use for formal academic and educational goals remains contested. Through a quantitative method of research, adopting the online questionnaires as well as paper based ones as tools and the survey as an instrument, this study tries to monitor the use of Facebook as a pedagogical and instructional tool among Moroccan English teachers, in addition to exploring the teachers' attitudes, motivation and perceptions concerning the use of Facebook features in general and the exploitation of Facebook groups, pages, direct live and synchronous as well as asynchronous interactions in particular. Having chosen to work on such a topic emanates from a personal conviction that the 21st century teachers are very lucky to have in their possession technological tools, social media and social networks sites, in addition to a well- set environment for work. Accordingly, having previously conducted a research study on the attitudes and motivations of English teachers on the use of ICT tools, we concluded that they have a natural predisposition, and thus, they can develop their professional skills, which surely will have positive repercussions on the teaching and learning process. Students will benefit from their knowledge and motivation and will be themselves motivated to learn the way their teachers are doing.

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Learning Module for Elementary School Students Using Learning Model Based on LCM Theory

Achmad Yusuf Udy Nugroho Ardiana Hanatan Suharno Sarwanto
Pages: 44-49

The fifth grade students of elementary school are entering the industriousness vs inferiority stage according to “all compassing psychological theory” from Erikson. At this stage, students like to learn new knowledge based on their curiosity. The learning model based on LCM theory is designed so that every human being is able to achieve maximum intuitive intelligence by considering the physical aspects, creativity, and ratio or reasoning power. These three aspects are based on the LCM theory introduced by Tibrani. The ADDIE model was used for the development design. The first third stages of the ADDIE model has been applied (i.e. analysis, design, and development). This module consists of animal and human motion organs theme and fresh air for health theme and linking the materials in sub-themes with an art creation process. The components in the learning module consist of KI, KD, indicators, learning activities, student worksheets, evaluation, and independent assignments. Validation instrument that be used was modified from the standard of LPPM UNS and Ghirardini standard. Learning content validation was done by the expert team and has of 85.88% score so it could be categorized as a very good module. This result shows that the science learning module for the fifth grade of elementary school students in animal and human motion organ theme and fresh air for health theme using learning model based on LCM theory is suitable to be used. It also ready to be proceed to the next stage in the ADDIE model product development design.

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Code Mixing Used in the Utterances of Arab Descent Students in Surakarta, Indonesia (Sociolinguistics Study)

Pages: 50-55

Arab descent students in Surakarta Indonesia are bilingual society. Bilingual society or multilingual often insert several other language vocabulary in their daily communication, thus code-mixing occurred. This study aims to describe the form of code mixing in speech language used by students of Arab descent in the realm of education and its contributing factors. This research employed descriptive qualitative method. The data of the research was Arab descent students’ utterances in Diponegoro Islamic High School, Surakarta. The utterances could be in the form of conversation among students and between teachers and students. The techniques of data collection were competent involvement techniques, recording techniques, and note-taking techniques. The technique of data analysis in this study used a matching technique. The technique of data validity was member checking to the participants in order to valid the data. Based on the results of data analysis which consist of seven utterances showed that code mixing occurred in word and phrase from Javanese, Arabic, English into Indonesian Language. This is influenced by several factors including language majority, speech partners, mother tongue, and education

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History of Development and Concept of Person-Centered Counseling in Cultural Diversity

Hadi Warsito Wiryosutomo Farida Hanum Siti Partini
Pages: 56-64

This study aims to obtain knowledge about two things; (1) how the development history of person-centered counseling, and (2) how the concept of person-centered theory in cultural diversity. This article contains a theory review regarding the history of the development of the theory of counseling person-centered and the concept of the theory in the diversity of culture of counseling and cultural diversity in schools. Person-centered counseling is the third generation of counseling models developed by Rogers. This model is more person-centered, emphasizing the need for experts who provide counseling (counselors) to involve aspects of their own personality and personality aspects of the counseled party (counselee) in the counseling process. Person-centered counseling also emphasizes the affective aspects of the individual, has a positive outlook on human nature

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The Effect of Local-Based 2013 Curriculum Implementation on Students’ Environmental Awareness

Dwi Purwanti Gunarhadi Akhmad Arif Musadad
Pages: 65-75

Local-based 2013 curriculum encourages to raise students’ awareness. The purpose of this study is to describe the need for 2013 curriculum learning syllabus in elementary schools, the procedures for developing the local-based 2013 curriculum learning syllabus, and the effectiveness of local-based syllabus to develop environmental awareness. This research used research and developmental method. This developmental research was conducted on thematic learning in four grade of Elementary School in Surakarta, Central Java in the 2017/2018 academic year. The data were collected through observation, documentation, and interviews. The data analysis used triangulation by combining information from various sources and data collection techniques. The results of this study showed that there is a need on syllabus with suitable material for the development of students and the local-based materials contained in the syllabus is placed in the development of indicators and learning activities in the syllabus product. The development of local-based material is perceived more complete than the official syllabus material and still in line with the theme or sub-theme. After using the local-based syllabus, teachers can provide character values that can be taken by students. Generally, the syllabus used by most teachers has met the standards but is not yet fully local-based, so the local-based syllabus will be a creative and innovative alternative in realizing students' caring attitudes especially toward the environment

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An Analysis of Students' Cultural Intelligence: A Case Study at the State Junior High School (SMP N) 20 of Surakarta

Vidia Ulfa Mareta Sunardi Suharno
Pages: 76-81

Human behavior naturally produces culture. Each group has a unique culture and is different from one another. The digital age allows an increasingly unlimited distribution of culture. Likewise, cross-cultural interactions will be increasingly carried out by each individual. It is important for students to understand cross-cultural interactions with their cultural intelligence. As an effort to multiply social relations and identify effective behaviors at the time the cross-cultural interactions occur. This study used descriptive quantitative methods. The research instrument applied questionnaires. The population in this study were all students of VII grade in the State Junior High School (SMP N) 20 of Surakarta. The Sampling technique used simple random sampling which took 89 participants. The data collection techniques applied the technique of survey. The components of cultural intelligence cover among others;the CImetacognitive, CI cognitive, CImotivation, CIbehavior. The percentage results of the metaCI cognitive showed 64.77%, the CI cognitive showed 62.88%, the CI motivation showed 64.81% and CI behavior showed 60%.

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Edmodo in Blended Learning to Increase Language Learners’ Understanding in Learning Grammar for Toefl

Siti Qomariyah Gunarhadi Triana Rejekiningsih
Pages: 82-87

Structure (grammar) in TOEFL test consists of 40 questions that must be done in 25 minutes which become big problem for the most language learners. It happens because they less knowledge about grammar in TOEFL and less exercise that using timer in it, but how to get it while deepen their understanding in grammar in limited time? Many websites and sources are created now and easy to use especially in education, one of them is Edmodo. Edmodo is one of free and secure educational learning networked used to provide a simple way to conduct and manage virtual class and to enable the learners to connect and discuss with the teacher as well as their classmates everywhere and every time as long as the connection of internet is available. The purpose of this study is to determine the language learners’ understanding in learning Grammar for TOEFL through online exercises in Edmodo that using timer in it as in official TOEFL test does. Using quantitative with One-Group pretest-posttest design, the study was done in one of the biggest English courses in ‘Kampung Inggris’ Pare Kediri. The participants were the students in Grammar TOEFL class that consisting of 25 students as the sample. The result of the study shows that the students’ understanding in learning grammar TOEFL significantly increase.

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The Implementation of School Literacy Movement at the Senior High School

Fahmi Ashari S. Sihaloho Trisno Martono Akhmad Daerobi
Pages: 88-96

Literacy skill is an individual’s ability to access, understand, and organize information that he or she has to be used in various activities in his or her life. By having good literacy skill, a student is expected to maximize the development of critical, creative, and social-empathy skills as well as knowledge affection. Therefore, the School Literacy Movement (GLS) program appears to help expedite the development of the students’ literacy skill. However, in its implementation, the GLS program still needs to be refined so that it can be in accordance with the condition in the field. This research uses qualitative research methodology. The purpose of this research is to help schools solve problems in implementing GLS program in the field. By means of this research, it is expected that the implementation of GLS program can run optimally and bring about students with good literacy skill.

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The Effect of the Style of The Principal’s Leadership Towards the Teachers’ Performance Through Work Motivation at Vocational High Schools

Isti Setya Rini Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni Cicilia Dyah Sulistyanngrum Indrawati
Pages: 97-105

The real implementation of the teachers’ performance of vocational high school has not been optimal yet. The reason is the teachers’ lack of pedagogic and professional competence as educators. Besides, the teachers have lack of work motivation which is reflected on their performance. On the other hand, the style of the principal’s leadership contributes to the teachers’ work pattern at schools. This study aims to determine the effect of principals' leadership style on teacher performance through work motivation in vocational business and management in Surakarta. This study uses a quantitative method with Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) analysis. The study sample was 158 teachers of business and management vocational schools throughout Surakarta, Indonesia. The results showed that 1) the leadership style of school principals had a positive and significant influence on teacher performance of 0.557 and a statistical T value of 13.128≥1.96; 2) the leadership style of the principal has a positive and significant influence on work motivation of 0.709 and a statistical T value of 20.097≥1.96; 3) work motivation has a positive and significant effect on teacher performance at 0.785 and a statistical T value of 26.518≥1.96; 4) Principal leadership style has a positive and indirect effect on teacher performance through work motivation of 0.453 and a statistical T value of 8.125≥1.96. Therefore, teachers need to improve their performancewith high work motivation and encouragement or support from the principal

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Assessment for Successful Intelligence: A Paradigm Shift in Classroom Practice

John Mary Vianney Mitana Anthony Mugagga Muwagga Cornelius Ssempala
Pages: 106-115

Conventional educational assessments favour individuals who are strong in memory and analytical abilities. This is based on a long-standing theory of a general intelligence (g). Alternative intelligence theories have however revealed that success in life requires skills beyond memory and analytical skills. This article presents an analysis of Sternberg’s theory of successful intelligence. Sternberg defines intelligence as one’s ability to achieve one’s goals in life, given one’s social-cultural context; by capitalising on strengths and correcting or compensating for weaknesses in order to adapt, shape and select environments through a combination of analytical, creative and practical skills. This article is divided into four main parts. It starts with an introduction to the conceptual definition of intelligence. Then it discusses Sternberg’s theory of successful intelligence. Next, it discusses assessment for successful intelligence in a classroom. Finally, it draws conclusions

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