Perceptions of Moroccan English Teachers Towards Using Facebook As A Pedagogical and Instructional Tool

Volume 4 Issue 1
Soufiane Soulaymani Noureddine Alem
Pages: 33-43 Download Count : 1973 View Count: 2443 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.467466 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


Facebook use between students and teachers is almost ubiquitous and its use for formal academic and educational goals remains contested. Through a quantitative method of research, adopting the online questionnaires as well as paper based ones as tools and the survey as an instrument, this study tries to monitor the use of Facebook as a pedagogical and instructional tool among Moroccan English teachers, in addition to exploring the teachers' attitudes, motivation and perceptions concerning the use of Facebook features in general and the exploitation of Facebook groups, pages, direct live and synchronous as well as asynchronous interactions in particular. Having chosen to work on such a topic emanates from a personal conviction that the 21st century teachers are very lucky to have in their possession technological tools, social media and social networks sites, in addition to a well- set environment for work. Accordingly, having previously conducted a research study on the attitudes and motivations of English teachers on the use of ICT tools, we concluded that they have a natural predisposition, and thus, they can develop their professional skills, which surely will have positive repercussions on the teaching and learning process. Students will benefit from their knowledge and motivation and will be themselves motivated to learn the way their teachers are doing.


  • Facebook pedagogical use
  • teaching
  • social networks
  • technological motivation
  • Moroccan English Teachers
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