The Effect of Local-Based 2013 Curriculum Implementation on Students’ Environmental Awareness

Volume 4 Issue 1
Dwi Purwanti Gunarhadi Akhmad Arif Musadad
Pages: 65-75 Download Count : 2385 View Count: 2282 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.486241 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


Local-based 2013 curriculum encourages to raise students’ awareness. The purpose of this study is to describe the need for 2013 curriculum learning syllabus in elementary schools, the procedures for developing the local-based 2013 curriculum learning syllabus, and the effectiveness of local-based syllabus to develop environmental awareness. This research used research and developmental method. This developmental research was conducted on thematic learning in four grade of Elementary School in Surakarta, Central Java in the 2017/2018 academic year. The data were collected through observation, documentation, and interviews. The data analysis used triangulation by combining information from various sources and data collection techniques. The results of this study showed that there is a need on syllabus with suitable material for the development of students and the local-based materials contained in the syllabus is placed in the development of indicators and learning activities in the syllabus product. The development of local-based material is perceived more complete than the official syllabus material and still in line with the theme or sub-theme. After using the local-based syllabus, teachers can provide character values that can be taken by students. Generally, the syllabus used by most teachers has met the standards but is not yet fully local-based, so the local-based syllabus will be a creative and innovative alternative in realizing students' caring attitudes especially toward the environment


  • 2013 Curriculum
  • Local-Based Syllabus
  • Environmental Awareness
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