History of Development and Concept of Person-Centered Counseling in Cultural Diversity

Volume 4 Issue 1
Hadi Warsito Wiryosutomo Farida Hanum Siti Partini
Pages: 56-64 Download Count : 5246 View Count: 2528 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.477347 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


This study aims to obtain knowledge about two things; (1) how the development history of person-centered counseling, and (2) how the concept of person-centered theory in cultural diversity. This article contains a theory review regarding the history of the development of the theory of counseling person-centered and the concept of the theory in the diversity of culture of counseling and cultural diversity in schools. Person-centered counseling is the third generation of counseling models developed by Rogers. This model is more person-centered, emphasizing the need for experts who provide counseling (counselors) to involve aspects of their own personality and personality aspects of the counseled party (counselee) in the counseling process. Person-centered counseling also emphasizes the affective aspects of the individual, has a positive outlook on human nature


  • Counseling
  • cultural diversity
  • person-centered
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