Edmodo in Blended Learning to Increase Language Learners’ Understanding in Learning Grammar for Toefl

Volume 4 Issue 1
Siti Qomariyah Gunarhadi Triana Rejekiningsih
Pages: 82-87 Download Count : 2147 View Count: 2424 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.486653 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


Structure (grammar) in TOEFL test consists of 40 questions that must be done in 25 minutes which become big problem for the most language learners. It happens because they less knowledge about grammar in TOEFL and less exercise that using timer in it, but how to get it while deepen their understanding in grammar in limited time? Many websites and sources are created now and easy to use especially in education, one of them is Edmodo. Edmodo is one of free and secure educational learning networked used to provide a simple way to conduct and manage virtual class and to enable the learners to connect and discuss with the teacher as well as their classmates everywhere and every time as long as the connection of internet is available. The purpose of this study is to determine the language learners’ understanding in learning Grammar for TOEFL through online exercises in Edmodo that using timer in it as in official TOEFL test does. Using quantitative with One-Group pretest-posttest design, the study was done in one of the biggest English courses in ‘Kampung Inggris’ Pare Kediri. The participants were the students in Grammar TOEFL class that consisting of 25 students as the sample. The result of the study shows that the students’ understanding in learning grammar TOEFL significantly increase.


  • Edmodo
  • language learners
  • grammar for toefl.
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