The Development of an Ingenious Circuit Based on Chemo-Edutainment Learning

Volume 4 Issue 1
Sri Adelila Sari Yuni Sri Rezeki
Pages: 15-25 Download Count : 2162 View Count: 2944 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.467078 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


One way to solve the problem of chemistry learning is that teachers are expected to have methods, models of teaching and learning, as well as learning media that can choose according to the subject concepts to be conveyed. This research was aimed to develop a learning media called as ingenious circuit, and to describe the activity also users’ feedback on the developed media. The type of research was research and development (R & D). While the used design of development was ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) using qualitative methods. The research was conducted in senior high school named SMAN 1 Krueng Barona Jaya in class XI MIA 2 with a number of 20 students. The instruments used to collect the data were a sheet for media validation, questionnaires to measure the response, and the observation sheet to measure student activity during use the developed media. After the ingenious circuit was developed with the phase of ADDIE, the validation results showed that a viable ingenious circuit up to 100 percent on aspects of the format. While the visual aspect, the feasibility of achieving 90.62 percent. In addition, the circuit was also tested for eligibility based on the aspect of clarity in the presentation of the question and the results was found to reach 100 percent, as well as on aspects of functioning or quality of 87.5 percent. This study also found that the response of the students after they used the media, including the highly positive, as much as 90.00 percent. As well as with teachers, the responses were in very good condition, which reached 89.29 percent. In addition, the student activity test results when they use this developed circuit was considered very active, with an average percentage score of 80.57. Based on the overall results of the study, it can be concluded that a series of ingenious circuit could be developed with ADDIE model and feasible to implement in the learning process of colloids. In addition, the responses of students and teachers those who used the circuit were also very positive, especially the students more active in the learning process of colloids.


  • Circuit ingenious
  • chemo-edutainment
  • colloid
  • activity
  • and response
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