The Trends in Adaptive Learning Research: A Bibliometric Analysis Study
Volume 9 - Issue 3
Özlem Canan Güngören Duygu Gür Erdoğan Nigar Çelik Selçuk Bilgin Mustafa Kemal Köse
Pages: 160-183 Download Count : 355 View Count: 579 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.1438344Abstract:
The purpose of this study is to identify the trends in research on adaptive learning. Using a survey method, the research articles related to adaptive learning have been analyzed through bibliometric techniques based on publication, authorship, journal, country, and keywords in the Web of Science Core Collection database. The analysis has revealed that the publication with the highest network centrality is (2012), the publication with the most citations is Hwang (2008), and the most cited publication is Felder's (1988) study. It has been found that Daniel Burgos has the strongest network and the largest number of collaborations, Gwo-Jen Hwang has the most connections, and Peter Brusilovsky is the most cited/quoted author. The journal with the highest network centrality and citations is Computer & Education, and Education and Information Technologies has the strongest citation relationship after 2018. The country with the most connections and citations is the United States, and the most frequently used keywords in the research are e-learning, higher education, and motivation.
- Adaptive learning
- bibliometric Analysis
- trends
- citation
- network