The Assessment of Multiple Writing Activities in Teaching the "Ecosystem Ecology" Subjects

Volume 6 Issue 3
Pages: 275-282 Download Count : 1271 View Count: 1464 DOI Number 10.24331/ ijere.929401 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


In this study, the effect of multiple writing activities in teaching "Ecosystem Ecology" subjects on the academic achievements of students was analyzed. The study was conducted in a high school in the Kaynarca district of the Sakarya province in the second term of the 2018-2019 academic years. The sample of the study consists of 48 students studying in the 10th grade. 48 students, which formed the sample, randomly formed Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 groups. While the Experiment 1 group was taught the "Ecosystem Ecology" subjects with traditional teaching methods (direct instruction-catechize), the Experiment 2 group was taught with multiple writing activities. The study is a quantitative research and the data were collected by using pretest-posttest with a quasi-experimental control group. The "Ecosystem Ecology" success testthat was developed by the researcher was applied as the pre-test and post-test in the study as the data collection tool. The obtained data were analyzed by using the SPSS 20 statistical program with Mann Whitney-U Test" and "Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test". Analysis results showed that compared to the traditional teaching method, teaching “Ecosystem Ecology" subjects by using multiple writing activities positively affected the student's success.


  • Academic achievement
  • biology education
  • ecosystem ecology
  • multiple writing activities
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