Fear of Missing Out and Problematic Usage of Smartphones Concerning Adolescents
Volume 9 - Issue 3
Aysun Taş Süleyman Balcı
Pages: 136-150 Download Count : 361 View Count: 709 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.1418858Abstract:
The development of technology and increase of common usage of mobile phone in recent years has caused the desire of the individual to share their lives with other individuals and the desire to be aware of their lives, that is, the fear of missing out regarding developments. By considering that the fear of missing out (fomo) and problematic cell phone use will affect adolescents, current study aimed to analyze the fomo and problematic mobile phone use of adolescents with regard to various variables. In present research, descriptive research design was conducted. The data of current study were collected with the fomo scale and the problematic smartphone usage scale. It was carried out with 673 adolescents who have been studying at high school. The results revealed that the fomo differs significantly in adolescents in terms of gender and class level and it was concluded that problematic smartphone usage differs significantly with regard to father education level, gender and class level. Moreover, it has been concluded that problematic mobile phone use did not differ with regard to mother and father education level, age, high school type and family income level. Additionally, the results of current research revealed that the fomo and problematic smartphone usage are positively and significantly related with each other regarding adolescents.
- Fear of missing out of adolescents
- fomo
- problematic usage of smartphones
- adolescents attending high school