A Proposed Training Program for Treating Aloud Reading Errors Among Students With LDS in Aseer Region

Volume 6 Issue 4
Pages: 376-381 Download Count : 1389 View Count: 1698 DOI Number . Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


The current study addressed the errors in reading aloud among students with learning disabilities at the elementary level in Aseer region, Saudi Arabia. The study proposed a training program to treat errors of reading aloud among students with LDs after identifying these errors and exploring the impact of the training program on the students. The study used the experimental approach by designing a training program to address the errors in reading aloud. The sample of the study consisted of two students with LDs. Each student was assigned to a group, an experimental and control. After completing the treatment program, the student was fluent in pronouncing letters from their correct articulations without substitution or repetition. The student mastered the distinction between different acoustic phenomena such as stress and joining. After completing the treatment program, the student was fluent in pronouncing words and sentences with ease and integrity, with correct pronunciation in terms of structure and syntax. The study recommends using the training program to treat errors in reading aloud among students with LDs


  • Reading aloud
  • students with LDs
  • reading skills
  • Saudi Arabia
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