The validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Collabrative Learning Scale
Volume 1- Issue 2
Aydın Kiper
Pages: 42-48 Download Count : 4370 View Count: 3703 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.309966Abstract:
The purpose of this study is to adapt the Cooperative Learning Scale (EL-Deghaidy & Nouby, 2008) into Turkish. The scale adapted within the framework of the study was applied to 415 high-school and 356 university students. The 1 dimensional model consisting of 20 items was observed to be representing a good rapport in the confirmatory factor analysis. Internal consistency, item and factor analysis studies were performed in order to examine the psychometric attributes of the scale. The internal consistency analysis results of the scale showed values as 73 for high-school students and 80 for university students while throughout the analyses, reliability was reached for both paradigms of the adapted version of the scale. According to the item discrimination and factor analysis results, the original single factor structure of the scale was identified as suitable for both paradigms. The original single factor structure of the cooperative learning scale was identified to be suitable for the Turkish paradigm as a result of the results obtained from the confirmative factor analysis. (For the high-school students; x2= 804.37, sd= 170, RMSEA= .09, IFI=.89,CFI=.89,NNFI=.87,NFI=.85, SRMR=08;for the university students; x2= 825,24, sd= 170, RMSEA= .10, IFI=.83,CFI=.82,NNFI=.80, SRMR=0.11) In this case the scale is considered to be suitable to be applied in the high-school and university education process in the Turkish paradigm in order to identify the “Cooperation Learning” levels of the teachers.
- Collaborative Learning
- Validity
- Reliability