The Spatial Regulation of Pupils’ Bodies to Train Turkish Nationals in Primary Schools: A Foucauldian Analysis

Volume 5 Issue 2
Pages: 107-117 Download Count : 2003 View Count: 2547 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.677108 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


The aim of this research was to explore the use of space and place in natural classroom and the school environment in a Turkish context. Drawing upon the theoretical framework of Foucault’s modern power control strategies, a major factor influencing teachers’ classroom practices both in the State and the Private Primary Schools emerged. A highly centralised Turkish educational system has a major influence on teachers’ classroom practices. Teachers’ classroom behaviour may be explained through the spatiality of the schools. Spatiality can also be considered to be a mode of modern power control. Therefore the structure of space in both the State and the Private Primary Schools is a form of surveillance apparatus. In particular, Ataturk portraits and Turkish flags were prominently displayed in every corner of the Primary Schools, which seemed to act as a reminder of the state control and ‘Turkishness’. Systematic surveillance techniques were employed at the schools.


  • Foucault
  • Turkish educational system
  • modern power control strategies
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