The Philosophical Foundation of Western Higher Education: A Critical Review of Theory and Practice
Volume 8 Issue 2 (March 2023)
M. Abdul Aziz
Pages: 208-219 Download Count : 892 View Count: 1098 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.1238148Abstract:
Philosophy of education especially higher education is central to making a discipline or subject rational regarding its study as well as its implication in human society. In this regard, the research is an attempt to examine the philosophical foundation of higher education as stated in the major western-liberal philosophies e.g. Idealism, Realism, Thomism, and Pragmatism. It also figured out the strengths and weaknesses of the philosophical basis of the western education system. The study argues that every philosophical endeavor represents the rational ground, which is universal in nature. Besides, the philosophy by and large espouses a value-laden system, which is based on ethics and morality. Although western liberal philosophies on higher education are Universalist, they are value-free or value-neutral as opposed to rationality. In fact, value-free educational philosophy devalues life as a whole and fails to accomplish the desired goals of a graduate. © IJERE. All rights reserved
- : Philosophy
- higher education
- Western-liberal philosophy