The Influence of Web-Based Learning on Students' Self-Regulated Learning in High School Chemistry Learning
Volume 8 Issue 2 (March 2023)
Nur Chamimmah Lailis Indriani Mustaji Andi Mariono
Pages: 257-267 Download Count : 886 View Count: 1301 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.1249689Abstract:
The rapid development of technology has impacted various areas, including education. Web-based learning is an integration of technology and education. Students are the main agents of learning; hence, increasing students' self-regulated learning certainly influences the success of learning. Chemistry is a main course studied by senior high schoolers majoring in natural science. This research was an experimental study using a one-group pre-test and post-test design. The subjects of this research were eleventh graders while the object was students' self-regulated learning and the intervention was web-based learning. This research aims to see the influence of web-based learning in increasing students' self-regulated learning in Chemistry. The results showed that implementing web-based learning as a learning method in Chemistry learning was provably able to increase students' self-regulated learning. It was seen from the result of hypothetical testing where showed the tcount is higher than ttable. However, the effect size (ES) showed that the influence of web-based learning was considered moderate (proved by the ES value of 0.58 or in the range of 0.2 and 0.8). Therefore, the results indicated that implementing web-based learning in Chemistry learning moderately influenced students' self-regulated learning.
- Web-based learning
- self-regulated learning
- chemistry learning