The Implementation of School Literacy Movement at the Senior High School
Volume 4 Issue 1
Fahmi Ashari S. Sihaloho Trisno Martono Akhmad Daerobi
Pages: 88-96 Download Count : 2244 View Count: 2791 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.486907Abstract:
Literacy skill is an individual’s ability to access, understand, and organize information that he or she has to be used in various activities in his or her life. By having good literacy skill, a student is expected to maximize the development of critical, creative, and social-empathy skills as well as knowledge affection. Therefore, the School Literacy Movement (GLS) program appears to help expedite the development of the students’ literacy skill. However, in its implementation, the GLS program still needs to be refined so that it can be in accordance with the condition in the field. This research uses qualitative research methodology. The purpose of this research is to help schools solve problems in implementing GLS program in the field. By means of this research, it is expected that the implementation of GLS program can run optimally and bring about students with good literacy skill.
- Students’ literacy skill
- school literacy movement
- senior high school