The Impact of The Development of Blended Learning Models Using Computer applications in Higher Education

Volume 4 Issue 4
Munir TUBAGUS Suyitno MUSLİM Suriani
Pages: 573-581 Download Count : 2475 View Count: 2245 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.628410 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


This study showed that the impact of development of blended learning models can improve student learning outcomes, the learning process that utilizes information technology in the form of computers which equipped with telecommunications facilities (Internet, intranet, and multimedia (graphics, audio, video) as a medium in thedelivery of materials and interactions between teachers and learners. This method of research was R&D (Research and Development), which research was to produce products and test the effectiveness of the product. There were four phases of e-learning making, including (1) system analysis including hardware, software, learning and student development materials (2) designing, including instructional design analysis, teaching materials and media (software) (3) Implementation, namely the product and development of the resulting Learning Management System, (4) evaluation, which was the assessment stage by experts to test the feasibility of the System. This research was conducted at the Institute of Islamic Religion (IAIN) Manado Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business. Data collection techniques were conducted in three ways, namely (1) observation, (2) document analysis, and (3) interviews. The data validity technique in this study was the triangulation technique.


  • Model Development
  • blended learning
  • communication media
  • computer applications
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