The Effect of Pre-service Teachers' Readiness for Online Learning on their Social Anxiety in E-Learning Environments
Volume 8- Issue 1 (January 2023)
Emre Cam Onur Isbulan
Pages: 102-109 Download Count : 829 View Count: 935 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.1221364Abstract:
The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of pre-service teachers' readiness for online learning on their social anxiety in e-learning environments. For this purpose, opinions of 409 students who continue their pedagogical formation education at a university in Turkey were taken, the answers of 369 students were included in the research, and the data of 341 students with standardized scores were analyzed. In the study, readiness for online learning was considered as the independent variable and social anxiety of the pre-service teachers in e-learning environments as the dependent variable, and the data of the dependent and independent variables were obtained from the Online Learning Readiness Scale and the Social Anxiety Scale for E-Learning Environments. In the findings section, correlation analysis was made between the online learning readiness and social anxiety variables in e-learning environments, and then simple linear regression modeling was applied to determine how much the online learning readiness variable had on social anxiety in e-learning environments. As a result of the correlation analysis, a moderate negative significant relationship was found between readiness for online learning and social anxiety in e-learning environments. In addition, with the regression analysis, it was revealed that as the readiness for online learning increased, social anxiety decreased in e-learning environments. As a result, various suggestions were made to other researchers in line with these findings.
- Readiness for online learning
- social anxiety in e-learning environments
- pre-service teachers