The Effect of Cooperative Learning Method on Academic Achievement, Attitude and Critical Thinking Disposition in the 7th Grade Mathematics Lesson*

Volume 8 Issue 4 (October 2023)
Pages: 740-757 Download Count : 803 View Count: 1179 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.1309484 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


This study aims to determine the contribution of using the cooperative learning method in the 7th-grade mathematics course on students' academic achievement in mathematics, attitudes towards mathematics, and critical thinking dispositions. This study was conducted with 40 students in a Mediterranean region of Turkey district in the 2020-2021 academic year. The study was conducted with a quasi-experimental design and cooperative teaching methods (Student Teams-Achievement Divisions and Team-Game-Tournament technique) were applied in the experimental group, and the activities in the Ministry of National Education middle school mathematics curriculum were applied in the control group. The data collection tools used in the study were the "Achievement Test" developed by the researchers, the "Attitude Towards Mathematics Scale", and the "Critical Thinking Disposition Scale." The study revealed that the academic achievement of the students in both groups increased significantly (with a significant effect of the teaching method). Attitude towards mathematics scores decreased significantly in the experimental group (with a moderate effect of the teaching method) and increased insignificantly in the control group. Critical thinking disposition scores decreased insignificantly in the experimental group (with a moderate effect of the teaching method) and increased significantly in the control group. In conclusion, the cooperative learning was more effective in increasing the students’ academic achievement than the current curriculum. However, the method was not effective in increasing the mean scores of the students' attitude towards mathematics and critical thinking dispositions compared to the current curriculum


  • Cooperative learning method
  • attitude towards mathematics
  • critical thinking
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