Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Discovery Learning: A Case Study in Writing Class

Volume 5 Issue 2
Pages: 135-140 Download Count : 3006 View Count: 2749 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.686679 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


This research investigated teachers’ attitudes and practices towards discovery learning, and also teachers’ challenges in teaching writing. The method of this research used a case study. To collect the data, there were three ways, namely observation, interview, and documentation. The credibility data were checked through data triangulation and methodological triangulation. To analyze the collected data, it was used data reduction, data displays, and verification. The findings showed that teacher 1 and teacher 2 had a negative attitude in writing skill, but they had positive attitudes towards discovery learning in teaching writing. It was found that they enjoyed and liked using discovery earning. Additionally, their practices could transfer all activities to encourage students had a good writing. The challenges of using discovery learning in writing class were required much time and many classroom activities. Thus, the teachers played many roles in the process of writing.


  • Teacher’s attitudes
  • discovery learning
  • writing
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