Strategies to Improve Student Learning Habits For Middle School Student in Sukoharjo, Indonesia
Volume 3-Issue 3
Awik HIDAYATI Ismail
Pages: 74-79 Download Count : 2214 View Count: 2690 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.448762Abstract:
Study habit is a form of action that is done repeatedly and regularly so that formed an attempt to gain knowledge and in the student's change from not knowing to know. New habits are formed only when people know what to do (knowledge), how to do (skills), and desire to do (motivation). Therefore, in the process of developing Student Habits need a strategy to develop the Habits of Student Learning.The research method used in this article is literature study. This research includes the type of literature study research by finding reference theory with cases or problems found. Based on the literature study, the results of strategies to improve students' learning habits are preliminary phase, content phase, and evaluation phase. At the preliminary phase students are prepared to obtain services by getting instructions from the counselor about the service activities to be held. At the content phase, guidance and counseling teacher explains what it is to learn, why should improve study habits, and how to improve study habits
- Habits; Learning; Study Habits