Online Learning in Higher Education to Encourage Critical Thinking Skills in the 21st Century

Volume 4 Issue 2
Dewi Kusuma Wardani Trisno Martono Laurensia Claudia Pratomo Duta Sabiila Rusydi Dwi Hendra Kusuma5
Pages: 146-153 Download Count : 2145 View Count: 2855 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.517973 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


This research aims to examine the effectiveness of online learning information system to improve undergraduates’ critical thinking skills in learning macroeconomics through two instruments, test and questionnaire. Quantitative method was applied in this research. The research was conducted in the State Islamic Institute of Salatiga and Sebelas Maret University involving 120 undergraduates. There is a difference in the mean post-test score of the control and experimental class. Besides, N-Gain shows that there is learning outcome improvement in experimental class, taught by using online learning information system, of both the State Islamic Institute of Salatiga and Sebelas Maret University. This research finding is supported by the result of the questionnaire on the critical thinking skills and the effectiveness of online learning media. It is found that there is significant and strong correlation between information system media and and critical thinking skills. Based on the research findings, online information system media is effective to improve undergraduates’ learning outcome and critical thinking skills in learning macroeconomics.


  • Critical Thinking
  • Learning Media Innovation
  • Web-based Learning Information System
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