Music and Social Skills for Young Children with Autism: A Survey of Early Childhood Educators

Volume 5 Issue 3
Pages: 190-207 Download Count : 2172 View Count: 2514 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.730328 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


Children with autism may have difficulties in communicating with others, developing social relationships and maintaining emotional reciprocity. Children’s active involvement with musical activities may create the conditions for enhanced moments of learning and communication and it may promote children’s sensory-motor abilities and their cognitive and emotional skills. The aim of this study was to investigate the views of early childhood educators on the use of music as a tool for enhancing students’ with autism social skills. Participants were 94 early childhood educators, working at Greek public schools. The results were positive regarding the participants’ views on the use of music as an important, instructional tool in the classroom that holds the potential to promote social and emotional growth of young children with autism. Implication of the study pinpoint to additional research on the topic and to professional development of early childhood educators on the use of music.


  • Autism
  • Music
  • Social Relationships
  • Emotional Development
  • Early Childhood Educators.
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