Investigation of the Relationship Between Anger Control and Self-Disclosure
Volume 8 Issue 2 (March 2023)
Nihan Arslan Fatma Nur Öztürk
Pages: 354-359 Download Count : 808 View Count: 1039 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.1264965Abstract:
The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between anger control and self-disclosure. In addition, within the scope of the research, the demographic variables of the sample of adolescents' anger control, and self-disclosure variable; gender;class level. Anger Control Scale for Adolescents is a 26-item measurement tool that includes a four-point Likert response format (almost never, sometimes, often, and almost always). The sample of the study consists of 653 adolescents. 370 students are female and 253 students are male. Within the scope of the scale adaptation study, reliability was examined with item analysis corrected item-total score correlation and confirmatory factor analysis. In the confirmatory factor analysis for the scale, it was observed that the uni-dimensional model fitted well. The reliability coefficient of the scale was found to be .86. As a result of the research; the anger control level of adolescents did not differ according to gender. There was no significant difference between the digital commitment levels of female and male students. Also, the anger control level of adolescents did not differ according to the class variable. There is no significant difference between the anger control level of female and male students. In addition, the level of self-disclosure of adolescents did not differ according to the gender variable. There was no significant difference between the self-disclosure levels of female and male students. Also, the level of self-disclosure of adolescents did not differ according to the class variable. There was no significant difference between the self-disclosure levels of female and male students. Finaly; there was a significant relationship between the levels of self-disclosure and anger control levels of adolescents.
- Anger control
- self-disclosure
- correlation
- adolescent