Investigating Language Learning Strategies Used by Good and Poor Learners In E-Learning Class

Volume6 Issue2
Dwi Prastiani Virgonita Endang Fauziati Endang Setyaningsih
Pages: 184-193 Download Count : 1412 View Count: 1721 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.873600 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


This study focused on English language learning strategies used by good and poor learners in e-learning class during The Covid-19 pandemic. It investigated the similarity and differences of their learning strategies. Moreover, it investigated deeply factors that affected the preference of their learning strategies. It revealed that good and poor learners used all six learning strategies proposed by Oxford. Almost half of the good and poor learners used social strategy. However, most good learners used metacognitive strategies. While most poor learners used effective strategies. The lowest influencing strategy of good learners was social strategy. While the lowest influencing strategy of poor learners was metacognitive strategy. The Learning strategy preferences of good learners were affected by some factors such as belief, degree of awareness, learning style, motivation, and purpose of the learning language. The learning strategy preferences of poor learners were also affected by those factors except the purpose of the learning language.


  • E-learning
  • language learning strategy
  • poor learner
  • good learner.
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