Explore Jordanian Mathematics Teacher's Perception of Their Professional Needs Related to Mathematical Proficiency

Volume6 Issue2
Khaled Ahmed Aqeel Alzubi
Pages: 93-114 Download Count : 1504 View Count: 1944 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.835492 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


Mathematically proficiency as being described it by five strands: conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, strategic competency, adaptive reasoning(National Research Council, 2001), and. The purpose of this study is to Jordanian mathematics teacher's perception of their professional needs Related to the five Strands of Mathematical Proficiency and to search for the effect of teachers demographic factors on their perceived needs. Participants included (171) teachers with varying qualifications and years of experience teaching at multiple grade levels schools in Jordan. The study uses a 35-item questionnaire to evaluate teachers professional development needs within five Strands of Mathematical Proficiency. The results offer more insight into mathematics teachers’ most essential needs in terms of specific knowledge and experience within different categories. This information aids in planning professional development programs and workshops that will meet teachers’ needs.


  • Jordanian mathematics teachers
  • professional development needs
  • five strands of mathematical proficiency.
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