Establishment of Entrepreneurial Character in the Foundation based School System through Project Based Learning
Volume 3-Issue 4
Lelahester Rina Wiedy Murtini Mintasih Indriayu
Pages: 128-140 Download Count : 2178 View Count: 2774 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.455049Abstract:
Establishing entrepreneurial character is pretty much essential to be taught in educational institution. This could even be given from the elementary level of education since it is a lifelong learning of an individual. The purpose of this research is to analyze the establishment process of entrepreneurial character in students through the implementation of learning activities based on project. Research is based on interesting phenomena, creativity, innovation, and self-confidence in taking risks in students in the entrepreneurial learning process that has to do with product creation and entrepreneurship in schools starting from elementary education to secondary education. This research was conducted with qualitative methods using snowball sampling with data collection techniques of observation, interviews, documentation and also data triangulation to validate the collected data. Data analysis used analysis techniques from Spradley through domain analysis and semantic relationships. The results showed that the process of learning activities based on the project can shape the character of students' entrepreneurship according to the level of education. Characters in elementary school students were independent, creative, honest and disciplined. Junior high school formed entrepreneurial characters such as: Self-sufficient, creative, responsibility, cooperation, hard work, risk-taking and communicative. While high school students formed characters of self-sufficient, creative, responsibility, cooperation, hard work, brave to take risks and communicative, leadership and success-oriented.
- Entrepreneurial Character
- Project Based Learning
- Entrepreneurship Education
- Elementary Education
- Secondary Education