Differentiation Models for the Curriculum of Gifted and Talented Individuals: A Literature Review
Volume 8 Issue 2 (March 2023)
Pages: 268-279 Download Count : 1278 View Count: 1154 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.1227783Abstract:
The purpose of this research is to inform about the differentiation models related to the teaching programs of the gifted and talented individuals in the scope of the special education and to prove the necessity of using these models with related researches. Differentiation, which is accepted as changing the education process according to the individual differences of the students in the education of the gifted, is used as a tool in enrich the education programs of these individuals. In this study, information about gifted is given, the necessity of differentiating the curriculum of these individuals is emphasized and information about differentiation models is given. In this context, the definitions of The Maker Curriculum Differentiation Model, The Parallel Curriculum Model, The Curriculum Narrowing Model, The Integrated Curriculum Model, The Grid Curriculum Model, The Three-Stage Purdue Model, The Enrichment Triad Model, The Autonomous Learner Models about the curriculum of gifted students and supporting studies in the context are researched.
- gifted and talented
- differentiation curriculum models
- special education
- differentiation
- curriculum.