Development, Validity and Reliability of Significance Quest Scale (SQS)
Volume 8 Issue 3 (July 2023)
Ekrem Sedat ŞAHİN Sümeyye DERİN
Pages: 446-458 Download Count : 1057 View Count: 982 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.1226598Abstract:
This study aimed to develop a measurement instrument to find out significance quest levels of adults and to test its psychometric properties. 621 people (385 females, 236 males) aged 18 years and older participated in the study. The results of confirmatory factor analysis were χ2 /sd= 1.89; RMSEA=.065, GFI=.86; IFI=.91; TLI=.92 and CFI=.92 and the scale was found to consist of 26 items with a four factor structure. Face validity value of the scale was found as .90, while convergent validity was found as .67. Cronbach alpha coefficient calculated to find out the internal consistency of the scale was found as .95, while test retest correlation coefficient calculated to find out invariance was found as .84. Based on these values, it can be stated that the scale is a valid and reliable measurement instrument to find out the significance quest levels of adults.
- Quest for significance
- scale development
- validity
- reliability