Development of Vector Representation Test Instrument for Senior High School Students in Realizing Learning Outcomes
Volume 4 Issue 4
Puji İman NURSUHUD Warsono Supahar Rio Sandhika DARMA
Pages: 543-554 Download Count : 1942 View Count: 2287 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.628328Abstract:
The study was conducted to developthe vector representation ability test items for seniorhigh school students and obtain Item Curve Characteristics (ICC). Grid test instruments are arranged based on competencies and vector representation indicators which are then used to compile items. The test instrument consists of five question items related to vector representation which includes drawing vectors, determining the magnitude and direction of vectors and performing vector operations. The validated instrument was piloted in 296 students from three schools in Batang Regency, Central Java. Politomus data were analyzed using the QUEST program for classical analysis and PARSCALE 4 for modern analysis theory based on Partial Credit Model (PCM). The results of the data analysis of the trial itemsindicate that of the five item questions, only 4 questions were fit with PCM. The reliability of the test instrument is 0.72, the level of difficulty of the items is in the range of 0.79 to 1.35. The information function and Standard Error Measurement (SEM) show that test items are developed reliably to measure the vector abilities of students with the average category in -1,6< θ<+3,2 logit scale with SEM ± 0,5.
- Development oftestinstruments
- vector representation ability
- polytomous