Create Effective Learning Environment Development of The Self-Efficiency Beliefs Scale (Validity and Reliability Study)

Volume7-Special Issue-December 2022
Aslı Türkmenli Filiz Çetin
Pages: 448-460 Download Count : 914 View Count: 1048 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.1214510 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


In this study, it was aimed to develop a scale that will serve to determine the self-efficacy beliefs of pre-service teachers in creating an effective learning environment. The self-efficacy belief scale for creating an effective learning environment was developed in line with the opinions of field experts and education faculty students by scanning the literature. The trial form of the scale consists of 79 items. Content validity, construct validity, reliability, and item-based validity studies of the scale were carried out. For the content validity of the scale, opinions were taken from three field experts and an assessment and evaluation expert, and the content validity was tested in line with the consensus. The analysis of the construct validity of the scale, whose content validity was provided, were made on the data obtained from the third and fourth year students of the faculty of education by the convenient sampling method. 3rd and 4th grades were included in the scope of the application with the thought that they would have a better command of the subject thanks to the lessons taken. Accordingly, the scale was applied to 498 students. Content validity exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used for the validity of the scale, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test whether it confirmed the existing structure. In order to determine the validity and reliability of the scale, data from Study Group 1 (300 students) for EFA and Study Group 2 (198 students) for CFA were used. The Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient was used for the reliability of the scale. According to the Cronbach alpha coefficients, the first factor is 0.98, the second factor is 0.98, the third factor was 0.97 and the total scale was 0.99. Thus, it was observed that the values for the reliability of the scale were high. On the other hand, it was determined that the confirmatory factor analysis values of the scale were distributed appropriately within the reference value range shown as the criterion. As a result of the analysis, a five-point Likert-type final scale consisting of 58 items with the necessary psychometric properties was created.


  • Effective learning environment
  • self-efficacy belief
  • pre-service teachers
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