Comparison of Student Learning Outcomes Through Video Learning Media with Powerpoint
Volume 4 Issue 2
Illa Mudasih Waspodo Tjipto Subroto
Pages: 183-189 Download Count : 2561 View Count: 2869 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.517997Abstract:
This research is an experimental study with a type of True Experimental research. The design carried out in this study was the design of the pretest-posttest control group design. Determination of the sample using a random sampling system while the data-collection technique was using test, that are pre-test and post-test. The class XII AK 1 as the experimental class 1 (video media) and class XII AK II (powerpoint media) as the experimental class 2. The normality test data was analyzed by using the pretest value on the use of video media with a significant level of 0.388 and on the use of a significant level powerpoint media of 0.059, it was stated that the two significant levels were normally distributed because they were greater than 0.05 . The homogeneity test results show that a significant level of pretest for both classes (video media and powerpoint media) is 0.436 and more than 0.05. It also shows that the sample used has the same or homogeneous variance. The results of the statistical test with the Independent Sample T-test showed a significance level of 0.001 <0.05, indicating that the results of the t-test <significance level of 0.05. In addition, it is known that tcount is 2.093 which indicates that tcount ˃ ttable (2,093 ˃ 0.408). So the hypothesis H0 is rejected and H1 accepted. So it can be concluded that there are differences in student learning outcomes using video media using powerpoint media.
- Video Media
- Powerpoint Media
- Learning Outcomes