Analysis of Students’ Need for Augmented Reality As An Art Learning Medium in Primary School Teacher Education at Universitas Sebelas Maret

Volume 3-Issue 3
Jenny Indrastoeti SP Tribudiharto
Pages: 86-92 Download Count : 2553 View Count: 2462 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.451428 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


There is an increasing number of students using smart phones and tablets in Elementary teacher education college. Mobile devices gained popularity as an educational tool and there are many colleges that used them frequently in educational activities to improve learning. There are many augmented reality (AR) applications available that can be used to create educational contents for these mobile devices.This paper surveys students’ need for the importance of using augmented reality as a media in art learning. Ourgoalis to develop prototype augmented reality media as a follow up of the needs analysis conducted on elementary school teacher education students. The aim of this study is to obtain 1) description of the use of learning media as teaching resource on art learning process, that has been happening in the field 2) formulation of learning media that needs to be developed on art learning. This research is based on the unavailability of learning media that can develop student appreciation to achieve a more meaningful understanding in appreciating the artwork in the subject of Art Education.The study is development study in the early stages of needs analysis. The results of descriptive analysis of the study found that 1) the use of learning media as teaching resource on art learning process that has been happening in the field has not done optimally. 2) The learning media that needs to be developed in art learning is in the form of augmented reality.


  • Augmentedreality
  • art
  • elementary school teacher
  • education
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