Using Plot of the Prose as the Model of Writing Narrative Text

Volume 8 Issue 2 (March 2023)
Joni Susanto Irmayani
Pages: 195-207 Download Count : 976 View Count: 1057 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.1233859 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


The problems of writing narrative text are mostly faced by students in the early semester. The Narrative text has a certain model to stimulate the feeling of the reader to be really absorbed in the story, that’s why the plot of the narrative text must be applied similarly to the plot in the prose model. This research was done due to seeing that many novice writers in universities in Indonesia especially the College of Foreign Languages located in Malang East Java. The weaknesses of the students in learning writing narrative text were not triggered by the course itself yet by the material used in the class, the method of teaching, the student in learning, and how to reward to raise the enthusiasm. the application of action research through the planning to prepare the material, acting to apply to preserve the plot method, observing to see the students respond, enthusiasm and spirit in learning, and reflecting to see the overall action in the process of research. Also, it was found that most of the students’ assignments and the tests could exceed the student score or mean score in a preliminary through the statistical computation and through the questionnaire. The students felt satisfied. It can be concluded that a prose plot can improve the student’s writing capability


  • Plot
  • narrative text
  • teaching method
  • improvement
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